Smooth Sync for Unreal
Syncs your networked objects smoothly according to the network owner.
USmoothSync Class Reference

Inherits UActorComponent.

Public Member Functions

void addState (SmoothState *state)
 Add an incoming state to the stateBuffer on non-owned objects. More...
void addTeleportState (SmoothState *state)
 Add the teleport State at the correct place in the State buffer. More...
void adjustOwnerTime ()
 Adjust owner time based on latest timestamp. More...
void applyInterpolationOrExtrapolation ()
void clearBuffer ()
 Clear the state buffer. You will call this on all unowned Actor instances on ownership changes. More...
void ClientSendsTransformToServer (const TArray< uint8 > &value)
template<class T >
void copyToBuffer (T thing)
void enableSmoothSync (bool enable)
 Used to turn Smooth Sync on and off. True to enable Smooth Sync. False to disable Smooth Sync. More...
char encodeSyncInformation (bool sendPositionFlag, bool sendRotationFlag, bool sendScaleFlag, bool sendVelocityFlag, bool sendAngularVelocityFlag, bool atPositionalRestFlag, bool atRotationalRestFlag)
 Encode sync info based on what we want to send. More...
virtual void EndPlay (const EEndPlayReason::Type EndPlayReason) override
bool extrapolate (float interpolationTime, SmoothState *targetState)
 Attempt to extrapolate from the newest SmoothState in the buffer More...
void forceStateSendNextFrame ()
 Forces the SmoothState to be sent on owned objects the next time it goes through Update(). More...
FVector getAngularVelocity ()
 Set scale of object. More...
float getApproximateNetworkTimeOnOwner ()
 The current estimated time on the owner. More...
FVector getLinearVelocity ()
 Set scale of object. More...
float GetNetworkSendInterval ()
FVector getPosition ()
 Get position of object. More...
FQuat getRotation ()
 Get rotation of object. More...
FVector getScale ()
 Get scale of object. More...
void internalEnableSmoothSync (bool enable)
void interpolate (float interpolationTime, SmoothState *targetState)
 Interpolate between two States from the stateBuffer in order calculate the targetState. More...
bool isSyncingXAngularVelocity ()
 Determine if should be syncing. More...
bool isSyncingXPosition ()
 Determine if should be syncing. More...
bool isSyncingXRotation ()
 Determine if should be syncing. More...
bool isSyncingXScale ()
 Determine if should be syncing. More...
bool isSyncingXVelocity ()
 Determine if should be syncing. More...
bool isSyncingYAngularVelocity ()
 Determine if should be syncing. More...
bool isSyncingYPosition ()
 Determine if should be syncing. More...
bool isSyncingYRotation ()
 Determine if should be syncing. More...
bool isSyncingYScale ()
 Determine if should be syncing. More...
bool isSyncingYVelocity ()
 Determine if should be syncing. More...
bool isSyncingZAngularVelocity ()
 Determine if should be syncing. More...
bool isSyncingZPosition ()
 Determine if should be syncing. More...
bool isSyncingZRotation ()
 Determine if should be syncing. More...
bool isSyncingZScale ()
 Determine if should be syncing. More...
bool isSyncingZVelocity ()
 Determine if should be syncing. More...
template<class T >
void readFromBuffer (T *thing)
void resetFlags ()
bool sameVector (FVector one, FVector two, float threshold)
void sendState ()
void SerializeState (SmoothState *sendingState)
void ServerSendsTransformToEveryone (const TArray< uint8 > &value)
void setAngularVelocity (FVector position)
 Set scale of object. More...
void setLinearVelocity (FVector position)
 Set scale of object. More...
void setPosition (FVector position)
 Set position of object. More...
void setRotation (const FQuat &rotation)
 Set rotation of object. More...
void setScale (FVector scale)
 Set scale of object. More...
void setSceneComponentToSync (USceneComponent *theComponent)
 If you want to track a scene component, assign it, otherwise it will just sync the actor the SmoothSync is on. Must have one SmoothSync for each Transform that you want to sync. More...
bool shouldSendAngularVelocity ()
 Check if angular velocity has changed enough. More...
bool shouldSendPosition ()
 Check if position has changed enough. More...
bool shouldSendRotation ()
 Check if rotation has changed enough. More...
bool shouldSendScale ()
 Check if scale has changed enough. More...
bool shouldSendTransform ()
 Determines if we should be trying to send out the Transform. More...
bool shouldSendVelocity ()
 Check if velocity has changed enough. More...
bool shouldSyncAngularVelocity (char syncInformation)
 Decode sync info to see if we want to sync angular velocity. More...
bool shouldSyncPosition (char syncInformation)
 Decode sync info to see if we want to sync position. More...
bool shouldSyncPositionalRest (char syncInformation)
 Decode sync info to see if we want to sync angular velocity. More...
bool shouldSyncRotation (char syncInformation)
 Decode sync info to see if we want to sync rotation. More...
bool shouldSyncRotationalRest (char syncInformation)
 Decode sync info to see if we want to sync angular velocity. More...
bool shouldSyncScale (char syncInformation)
 Decode sync info to see if we want to sync scale. More...
bool shouldSyncVelocity (char syncInformation)
 Decode sync info to see if we want to sync velocity. More...
void shouldTeleport (SmoothState *start, SmoothState *end, float interpolationTime, float *t)
void SmoothSyncEnableClientToServer (bool enable)
void SmoothSyncEnableServerToClients (bool enable)
void SmoothSyncTeleportClientToServer (FVector position, FVector rotation, FVector scale, float tempOwnerTime)
void SmoothSyncTeleportServerToClients (FVector position, FVector rotation, FVector scale, float tempOwnerTime)
void stopLerping ()
 Stop updating the States of non-owned objects so that the object can be teleported. More...
void teleport ()
 Teleport the player so that position will not be interpolated on non-owners. More...
virtual void TickComponent (float DeltaTime, ELevelTick TickType, FActorComponentTickFunction *ThisTickFunction) override
 USmoothSync ()
 Sets default values for this component's properties.

Public Attributes

float _ownerTime
 The last owner time received over the network More...
char angularVelocityMask = 16
 Hardcoded information to determine angular velocity syncing. More...
float approximateNetworkTimeOnOwner = 0
char atPositionalRestMask = 64
 Hardcoded information to determine if at positional rest. More...
float atRestPositionThreshold = .05f
 Actor will come to positional rest if it stops moving by this amount. Used to smooth out stops and starts. More...
float atRestRotationThreshold = .1f
 Actor will come to rotational rest if it stops rotating by this amount. Used to smooth out stops and starts. More...
float atRestThresholdCount = .5f
 Is considered at rest if at same position for this many FixedUpdate()s. More...
unsigned char atRotationalRestMask = 128
 Hardcoded information to determine if at rotational rest. More...
int calculatedStateBufferSize = ((int)(sendRate * interpolationBackTime) + 1) * 2
 Uses a State buffer of at least 30 for ease of use, or a buffer size in relation to the send rate and how far back in time we want to be. Doubled buffer as estimation for forced SmoothState sends. More...
bool changedPositionLastFrame
 Used to tell whether the object is at positional rest or not. More...
bool changedRotationLastFrame
 Used to tell whether the object is at rotational rest or not. More...
bool dontLerp = false
 Used via stopLerping() to 'teleport' a synced object without unwanted lerping. Useful for player spawning and whatnot. More...
bool extrapolatedLastFrame
float extrapolationDistanceLimit = 100.0f
 How much distance into the future a non-owned object is allowed to extrapolate. More...
 SmoothState when extrapolation ended. More...
ExtrapolationMode extrapolationMode = ExtrapolationMode::LIMITED
 The amount of extrapolation used. More...
float extrapolationStopTime
 Time when extrapolation ended. More...
float extrapolationTimeLimit = 1.0f
 How much time into the future a non-owned object is allowed to extrapolate. More...
bool forceStateSend = false
 Gets set to true in order to force the state to be sent next frame on owners. More...
float interpolationBackTime = .1f
 How much time in the past non-owned objects should be. More...
bool isAngularVelocityCompressed = false
 Compress angular velocity floats when sending over the network. More...
bool isBeingUsed = true
 Used to turn Smooth Sync off and on. More...
bool isPositionCompressed = false
 Compress position floats when sending over the network. More...
bool isRotationCompressed = false
 Compress rotation floats when sending over the network. More...
bool isScaleCompressed = false
 Compress scale floats when sending over the network. More...
bool isSimulatingPhysics
bool isVelocityCompressed = false
 Compress velocity floats when sending over the network. More...
FVector lastAngularVelocityWhenStateWasSent
 Angular velocity owner was at when the last angular velociy SmoothState was sent. More...
FVector lastPositionWhenStateWasSent
 Position owner was at when the last position SmoothState was sent. More...
FQuat lastRotationWhenStateWasSent = FQuat::Identity
 Rotation owner was at when the last rotation SmoothState was sent. More...
FVector lastScaleWhenStateWasSent
 Scale owner was at when the last scale SmoothState was sent. More...
float lastTeleportOwnerTime
 Last time the object was teleported. More...
float lastTimeOwnerTimeWasSet
 The realTimeSinceStartup when we received the last owner time. More...
float lastTimeStateWasReceived
 Last time a SmoothState was received on non-owner. More...
float lastTimeStateWasSent
 Last time owner sent a SmoothState. More...
FVector lastVelocityWhenStateWasSent
 Velocity owner was at when the last velocity SmoothState was sent. More...
 Used to check if low FPS causes us to skip a teleport State. More...
FVector latestReceivedAngularVelocity
FVector latestReceivedVelocity
FVector latestTeleportedFromPosition
 Used to check if we should be sending a "JustStartedMoving" State. If we are teleporting, don't send one. More...
FQuat latestTeleportedFromRotation
 Used to check if we should be sending a "JustStartedMoving" State. If we are teleporting, don't send one. More...
FVector positionLastFrame
float positionLerpSpeed = .85f
 How fast to lerp the position to the target SmoothState. 0 is never, 1 is instant. More...
char positionMask = 1
 Hardcoded information to determine rotation syncing. More...
float positionSnapThreshold = 500
 If a synced object's position is more than positionSnapThreshold units from the target position, it will jump to the target position immediately instead of lerping. More...
UPrimitiveComponent * primitiveComponent
 Reference to the Primitive Component. More...
USceneComponent * realComponentToSync
 Gets assigned to the real transform to sync. Use SetSceneComponentToSync() method to set it up. If this variable is not assigned, SmoothSync will sync the actor. More...
AActor * realObjectToSync
 Gets assigned to the real object to sync. More...
float receivedPositionThreshold = 0.0f
 The position won't be set on non-owned objects unless it changed this much. More...
float receivedRotationThreshold = 0.0f
 The rotation won't be set on non-owned objects unless it changed this much. More...
int receivedStatesCounter
RestState restStatePosition = RestState::MOVING
RestState restStateRotation = RestState::MOVING
FQuat rotationLastFrame
float rotationLerpSpeed = .85f
 How fast to lerp the rotation to the target State. 0 is never, 1 is instant.. More...
char rotationMask = 2
 Hardcoded information to determine rotation syncing. More...
float rotationSnapThreshold = 100
 If a synced object's rotation is more than rotationSnapThreshold from the target rotation, it will jump to the target rotation immediately instead of lerping. More...
float samePositionCount
 Counts up for each FixedUpdate() that position is the same until the atRestThresholdCount. More...
float sameRotationCount
 Counts up for each FixedUpdate() that rotation is the same until the atRestThresholdCount. More...
float scaleLerpSpeed = .85f
 How fast to lerp the scale to the target State. 0 is never, 1 is instant. More...
char scaleMask = 4
 Hardcoded information to determine scale syncing. More...
float scaleSnapThreshold = 3
 If a synced object's scale is more than scaleSnapThreshold units from the target scale, it will jump to the target scale immediately instead of lerping. More...
bool sendAngularVelocity = true
 Variable we set at the beginning of Update so we only need to do the checks once a frame. More...
float sendAngularVelocityThreshold = 0.0f
 The angular velocity won't send unless one of its Vector values changed this much. More...
bool sendAtPositionalRestMessage = false
 Gets set to true when position is the same for two frames in order to tell non-owners to stop extrapolating position. More...
bool sendAtRotationalRestMessage = false
 Gets set to true when rotation is the same for two frames in order to tell non-owners to stop extrapolating rotation. More...
 SmoothState we fill up to better organize the data before sending it out. More...
bool sendPosition = true
 Variable we set at the beginning of Update so we only need to do the checks once a frame. More...
float sendPositionThreshold = 0.0f
 The position won't send unless one of its Vector values has changed this much. More...
float sendRate = 30
 How many times per second to send network updates. More...
bool sendRotation = true
 Variable we set at the beginning of Update so we only need to do the checks once a frame. More...
float sendRotationThreshold = 0.0f
 The rotation won't send unless one of its Vector values has changed this much. More...
bool sendScale = true
 Variable we set at the beginning of Update so we only need to do the checks once a frame. More...
float sendScaleThreshold = 0.0f
 The scale won't send unless one of its Vector values it changed this much. More...
bool sendVelocity = true
 Variable we set at the beginning of Update so we only need to do the checks once a frame. More...
float sendVelocityThreshold = 0.0f
 The velocity won't send unless one of its Vector values changed this much. More...
float snapTimeThreshold = 5.0f
 The estimated owner time of non-owned objects will change instantly if it is off by this amount. More...
SmoothState ** stateBuffer
 Non-owners keep a list of recent States received over the network for interpolating. More...
int stateCount = 0
 The number of States in the stateBuffer More...
SyncMode syncAngularVelocity = SyncMode::XYZ
 Angular velocity sync mode More...
SyncMode syncPosition = SyncMode::XYZ
 Position sync mode More...
SyncMode syncRotation = SyncMode::XYZ
 Rotation sync mode More...
SyncMode syncScale = SyncMode::XYZ
 Scale sync mode More...
SyncMode syncVelocity = SyncMode::XYZ
 Velocity sync mode More...
 Gets filled each frame with a SmoothState to move towards More...
char teleportMask = 32
 Hardcoded information to determine if teleporting. More...
float timeCorrectionSpeed = .1f
 How fast to change the estimated owner time of non-owned objects. 0 is never, 5 is basically instant. More...
float timeSpentExtrapolating
bool triedToExtrapolateTooFar
float updatedDeltaTime
bool useExtrapolationDistanceLimit
 Whether or not to have an extrapolation distance limit. More...
bool useExtrapolationTimeLimit = true
 Whether or not to have an extrapolation time limit. More...
char velocityMask = 8
 Hardcoded information to determine velocity syncing. More...

Protected Member Functions

virtual void BeginPlay () override

Member Function Documentation

◆ addState()

void USmoothSync::addState ( SmoothState state)

Add an incoming state to the stateBuffer on non-owned objects.

◆ addTeleportState()

void USmoothSync::addTeleportState ( SmoothState teleportState)

Add the teleport State at the correct place in the State buffer.

◆ adjustOwnerTime()

void USmoothSync::adjustOwnerTime ( )

Adjust owner time based on latest timestamp.

◆ clearBuffer()

void USmoothSync::clearBuffer ( )

Clear the state buffer. You will call this on all unowned Actor instances on ownership changes.

Effectively clear the state buffer. Used for teleporting and ownership changes.

◆ enableSmoothSync()

void USmoothSync::enableSmoothSync ( bool  enable)

Used to turn Smooth Sync on and off. True to enable Smooth Sync. False to disable Smooth Sync.

Used to turn Smooth Sync on and off. True to enable Smooth Sync. False to disable Smooth Sync. Will automatically send RPCs across the network. Is meant to be called on the owned version of the Actor.

Will automatically send RPCs across the network. Is meant to be called on the owned version of the Actor.

◆ encodeSyncInformation()

char USmoothSync::encodeSyncInformation ( bool  sendPositionFlag,
bool  sendRotationFlag,
bool  sendScaleFlag,
bool  sendVelocityFlag,
bool  sendAngularVelocityFlag,
bool  atPositionalRestFlag,
bool  atRotationalRestFlag 

Encode sync info based on what we want to send.

◆ extrapolate()

bool USmoothSync::extrapolate ( float  interpolationTime,
SmoothState targetState 

Attempt to extrapolate from the newest SmoothState in the buffer

interpolationTimeThe target time
true on success, false if interpolationTime is more than extrapolationLength in the future

◆ forceStateSendNextFrame()

void USmoothSync::forceStateSendNextFrame ( )

Forces the SmoothState to be sent on owned objects the next time it goes through Update().

Forces the SmoothState (Transform) to be sent on owned objects the next time it goes through TickComponent(). The SmoothState (Transform) will get sent next frame regardless of all limitations.

The SmoothState will get sent next frame regardless of all limitations.

◆ getAngularVelocity()

FVector USmoothSync::getAngularVelocity ( )

Set scale of object.

◆ getApproximateNetworkTimeOnOwner()

float USmoothSync::getApproximateNetworkTimeOnOwner ( )

The current estimated time on the owner.

Time comes from the owner in every sync message. When it is received we set _ownerTime and lastTimeOwnerTimeWasSet. Then when we want to know what time it is we add time elapsed to the last _ownerTime we received.

◆ getLinearVelocity()

FVector USmoothSync::getLinearVelocity ( )

Set scale of object.

◆ getPosition()

FVector USmoothSync::getPosition ( )

Get position of object.

◆ getRotation()

FQuat USmoothSync::getRotation ( )

Get rotation of object.

◆ getScale()

FVector USmoothSync::getScale ( )

Get scale of object.

◆ interpolate()

void USmoothSync::interpolate ( float  interpolationTime,
SmoothState targetState 

Interpolate between two States from the stateBuffer in order calculate the targetState.

interpolationTimeThe target time

◆ isSyncingXAngularVelocity()

bool USmoothSync::isSyncingXAngularVelocity ( )

Determine if should be syncing.

◆ isSyncingXPosition()

bool USmoothSync::isSyncingXPosition ( )

Determine if should be syncing.

◆ isSyncingXRotation()

bool USmoothSync::isSyncingXRotation ( )

Determine if should be syncing.

◆ isSyncingXScale()

bool USmoothSync::isSyncingXScale ( )

Determine if should be syncing.

◆ isSyncingXVelocity()

bool USmoothSync::isSyncingXVelocity ( )

Determine if should be syncing.

◆ isSyncingYAngularVelocity()

bool USmoothSync::isSyncingYAngularVelocity ( )

Determine if should be syncing.

◆ isSyncingYPosition()

bool USmoothSync::isSyncingYPosition ( )

Determine if should be syncing.

◆ isSyncingYRotation()

bool USmoothSync::isSyncingYRotation ( )

Determine if should be syncing.

◆ isSyncingYScale()

bool USmoothSync::isSyncingYScale ( )

Determine if should be syncing.

◆ isSyncingYVelocity()

bool USmoothSync::isSyncingYVelocity ( )

Determine if should be syncing.

◆ isSyncingZAngularVelocity()

bool USmoothSync::isSyncingZAngularVelocity ( )

Determine if should be syncing.

◆ isSyncingZPosition()

bool USmoothSync::isSyncingZPosition ( )

Determine if should be syncing.

◆ isSyncingZRotation()

bool USmoothSync::isSyncingZRotation ( )

Determine if should be syncing.

◆ isSyncingZScale()

bool USmoothSync::isSyncingZScale ( )

Determine if should be syncing.

◆ isSyncingZVelocity()

bool USmoothSync::isSyncingZVelocity ( )

Determine if should be syncing.

◆ setAngularVelocity()

void USmoothSync::setAngularVelocity ( FVector  angularVelocity)

Set scale of object.

◆ setLinearVelocity()

void USmoothSync::setLinearVelocity ( FVector  linearVelocity)

Set scale of object.

◆ setPosition()

void USmoothSync::setPosition ( FVector  position)

Set position of object.

◆ setRotation()

void USmoothSync::setRotation ( const FQuat &  rotation)

Set rotation of object.

◆ setScale()

void USmoothSync::setScale ( FVector  scale)

Set scale of object.

◆ setSceneComponentToSync()

void USmoothSync::setSceneComponentToSync ( USceneComponent *  componentToSync)

If you want to track a scene component, assign it, otherwise it will just sync the actor the SmoothSync is on. Must have one SmoothSync for each Transform that you want to sync.

Used to set the transform that you want to sync on this SmoothSync. If this is not called, SmoothSync will sync the actor. Must have one SmoothSync for each Transform that you want to sync.

◆ shouldSendAngularVelocity()

bool USmoothSync::shouldSendAngularVelocity ( )

Check if angular velocity has changed enough.

If sendAngularVelocityThreshold is 0, returns true if the current angular velocity is different from the latest sent angular velocity. If sendAngularVelocityThreshold is greater than 0, returns true if difference between angular velocity and latest sent angular velocity is greater than the angular velocity threshold.

◆ shouldSendPosition()

bool USmoothSync::shouldSendPosition ( )

Check if position has changed enough.

If sendPositionThreshold is 0, returns true if the current position is different than the latest sent position. If sendPositionThreshold is greater than 0, returns true if distance between position and latest sent position is greater than the sendPositionThreshold.

◆ shouldSendRotation()

bool USmoothSync::shouldSendRotation ( )

Check if rotation has changed enough.

If sendRotationThreshold is 0, returns true if the current rotation is different from the latest sent rotation. If sendRotationThreshold is greater than 0, returns true if difference (angle) between rotation and latest sent rotation is greater than the sendRotationThreshold.

◆ shouldSendScale()

bool USmoothSync::shouldSendScale ( )

Check if scale has changed enough.

If sendScaleThreshold is 0, returns true if the current scale is different than the latest sent scale. If sendScaleThreshold is greater than 0, returns true if the difference between scale and latest sent scale is greater than the sendScaleThreshold.

◆ shouldSendTransform()

bool USmoothSync::shouldSendTransform ( )

Determines if we should be trying to send out the Transform.

Rules for sending Transform. Owned Actors: Owner determines position and sends out Transform. Unowned Actors: Server determines position and sends out Transform.

◆ shouldSendVelocity()

bool USmoothSync::shouldSendVelocity ( )

Check if velocity has changed enough.

If sendVelocityThreshold is 0, returns true if the current velocity is different from the latest sent velocity. If sendVelocityThreshold is greater than 0, returns true if difference between velocity and latest sent velocity is greater than the velocity threshold.

◆ shouldSyncAngularVelocity()

bool USmoothSync::shouldSyncAngularVelocity ( char  syncInformation)

Decode sync info to see if we want to sync angular velocity.

◆ shouldSyncPosition()

bool USmoothSync::shouldSyncPosition ( char  syncInformation)

Decode sync info to see if we want to sync position.

◆ shouldSyncPositionalRest()

bool USmoothSync::shouldSyncPositionalRest ( char  syncInformation)

Decode sync info to see if we want to sync angular velocity.

◆ shouldSyncRotation()

bool USmoothSync::shouldSyncRotation ( char  syncInformation)

Decode sync info to see if we want to sync rotation.

◆ shouldSyncRotationalRest()

bool USmoothSync::shouldSyncRotationalRest ( char  syncInformation)

Decode sync info to see if we want to sync angular velocity.

◆ shouldSyncScale()

bool USmoothSync::shouldSyncScale ( char  syncInformation)

Decode sync info to see if we want to sync scale.

◆ shouldSyncVelocity()

bool USmoothSync::shouldSyncVelocity ( char  syncInformation)

Decode sync info to see if we want to sync velocity.

◆ stopLerping()

void USmoothSync::stopLerping ( )

Stop updating the States of non-owned objects so that the object can be teleported.

◆ teleport()

void USmoothSync::teleport ( )

Teleport the player so that position will not be interpolated on non-owners.

Teleport the player so that position will not be interpolated on non-owners. Use teleport() on the owner and the Actor will jump to the current owner's position on non-owners.

Use teleport() on the owner and the Actor will jump to the current owner's position on non-owners.

Member Data Documentation

◆ _ownerTime

float USmoothSync::_ownerTime

The last owner time received over the network

◆ angularVelocityMask

char USmoothSync::angularVelocityMask = 16

Hardcoded information to determine angular velocity syncing.

◆ atPositionalRestMask

char USmoothSync::atPositionalRestMask = 64

Hardcoded information to determine if at positional rest.

◆ atRestPositionThreshold

float USmoothSync::atRestPositionThreshold = .05f

Actor will come to positional rest if it stops moving by this amount. Used to smooth out stops and starts.

◆ atRestRotationThreshold

float USmoothSync::atRestRotationThreshold = .1f

Actor will come to rotational rest if it stops rotating by this amount. Used to smooth out stops and starts.

◆ atRestThresholdCount

float USmoothSync::atRestThresholdCount = .5f

Is considered at rest if at same position for this many FixedUpdate()s.

◆ atRotationalRestMask

unsigned char USmoothSync::atRotationalRestMask = 128

Hardcoded information to determine if at rotational rest.

◆ calculatedStateBufferSize

int USmoothSync::calculatedStateBufferSize = ((int)(sendRate * interpolationBackTime) + 1) * 2

Uses a State buffer of at least 30 for ease of use, or a buffer size in relation to the send rate and how far back in time we want to be. Doubled buffer as estimation for forced SmoothState sends.

◆ changedPositionLastFrame

bool USmoothSync::changedPositionLastFrame

Used to tell whether the object is at positional rest or not.

◆ changedRotationLastFrame

bool USmoothSync::changedRotationLastFrame

Used to tell whether the object is at rotational rest or not.

◆ dontLerp

bool USmoothSync::dontLerp = false

Used via stopLerping() to 'teleport' a synced object without unwanted lerping. Useful for player spawning and whatnot.

◆ extrapolationDistanceLimit

float USmoothSync::extrapolationDistanceLimit = 100.0f

How much distance into the future a non-owned object is allowed to extrapolate.

Extrapolating too far tends to cause erratic and non-realistic movement, but a little bit of extrapolation is better than none because it keeps things working semi-right during latency spikes.

Measured in distance units.

◆ extrapolationEndState

SmoothState* USmoothSync::extrapolationEndState

SmoothState when extrapolation ended.

◆ extrapolationMode

ExtrapolationMode USmoothSync::extrapolationMode = ExtrapolationMode::LIMITED

The amount of extrapolation used.

Extrapolation is going into the unknown based on information we had in the past. Generally, you'll want extrapolation to help fill in missing information during lag spikes. None - Use no extrapolation. Limited - Use the settings for extrapolation limits. Unlimited - Allow extrapolation forever.

◆ extrapolationStopTime

float USmoothSync::extrapolationStopTime

Time when extrapolation ended.

◆ extrapolationTimeLimit

float USmoothSync::extrapolationTimeLimit = 1.0f

How much time into the future a non-owned object is allowed to extrapolate.

Extrapolating too far tends to cause erratic and non-realistic movement, but a little bit of extrapolation is better than none because it keeps things working semi-right during latency spikes.

Measured in seconds.

◆ forceStateSend

bool USmoothSync::forceStateSend = false

Gets set to true in order to force the state to be sent next frame on owners.

◆ interpolationBackTime

float USmoothSync::interpolationBackTime = .1f

How much time in the past non-owned objects should be.

interpolationBackTime is the amount of time in the past the object will be on non-owners. This is so if you hit a latency spike, you still have a buffer of the interpolation back time of known States before you start extrapolating into the unknown.

Increasing will make interpolation more likely to be used, which means the synced position will be more likely to be an actual position that the owner was at.

Decreasing will make extrapolation more likely to be used, this will increase reponsiveness, but with any latency spikes that last longer than the interpolationBackTime, the position will be less correct to where the player was actually at.

Keep this higher than SendRate/100 to attempt to always interpolate. Keep in mind your send rate may fluctuate depending on your Unreal NetpdateFrequency settings and NetPriority.

Measured in seconds.

◆ isAngularVelocityCompressed

bool USmoothSync::isAngularVelocityCompressed = false

Compress angular velocity floats when sending over the network.

Convert angular velocity floats sent over the network to Halfs, which use half as much bandwidth but are also half as precise.

◆ isBeingUsed

bool USmoothSync::isBeingUsed = true

Used to turn Smooth Sync off and on.

◆ isPositionCompressed

bool USmoothSync::isPositionCompressed = false

Compress position floats when sending over the network.

Convert position floats sent over the network to Halfs, which use half as much bandwidth but are also half as precise.

◆ isRotationCompressed

bool USmoothSync::isRotationCompressed = false

Compress rotation floats when sending over the network.

Convert rotation floats sent over the network to Halfs, which use half as much bandwidth but are also half as precise.

◆ isScaleCompressed

bool USmoothSync::isScaleCompressed = false

Compress scale floats when sending over the network.

Convert scale floats sent over the network to Halfs, which use half as much bandwidth but are also half as precise.

◆ isVelocityCompressed

bool USmoothSync::isVelocityCompressed = false

Compress velocity floats when sending over the network.

Convert velocity floats sent over the network to Halfs, which use half as much bandwidth but are also half as precise.

◆ lastAngularVelocityWhenStateWasSent

FVector USmoothSync::lastAngularVelocityWhenStateWasSent

Angular velocity owner was at when the last angular velociy SmoothState was sent.

◆ lastPositionWhenStateWasSent

FVector USmoothSync::lastPositionWhenStateWasSent

Position owner was at when the last position SmoothState was sent.

◆ lastRotationWhenStateWasSent

FQuat USmoothSync::lastRotationWhenStateWasSent = FQuat::Identity

Rotation owner was at when the last rotation SmoothState was sent.

◆ lastScaleWhenStateWasSent

FVector USmoothSync::lastScaleWhenStateWasSent

Scale owner was at when the last scale SmoothState was sent.

◆ lastTeleportOwnerTime

float USmoothSync::lastTeleportOwnerTime

Last time the object was teleported.

◆ lastTimeOwnerTimeWasSet

float USmoothSync::lastTimeOwnerTimeWasSet

The realTimeSinceStartup when we received the last owner time.

◆ lastTimeStateWasReceived

float USmoothSync::lastTimeStateWasReceived

Last time a SmoothState was received on non-owner.

◆ lastTimeStateWasSent

float USmoothSync::lastTimeStateWasSent

Last time owner sent a SmoothState.

◆ lastVelocityWhenStateWasSent

FVector USmoothSync::lastVelocityWhenStateWasSent

Velocity owner was at when the last velocity SmoothState was sent.

◆ latestEndStateUsed

SmoothState* USmoothSync::latestEndStateUsed

Used to check if low FPS causes us to skip a teleport State.

◆ latestTeleportedFromPosition

FVector USmoothSync::latestTeleportedFromPosition

Used to check if we should be sending a "JustStartedMoving" State. If we are teleporting, don't send one.

◆ latestTeleportedFromRotation

FQuat USmoothSync::latestTeleportedFromRotation

Used to check if we should be sending a "JustStartedMoving" State. If we are teleporting, don't send one.

◆ positionLerpSpeed

float USmoothSync::positionLerpSpeed = .85f

How fast to lerp the position to the target SmoothState. 0 is never, 1 is instant.

Lower values mean smoother but maybe sluggish movement. Higher values mean more responsive but maybe jerky or stuttery movement.

◆ positionMask

char USmoothSync::positionMask = 1

Hardcoded information to determine rotation syncing.

◆ positionSnapThreshold

float USmoothSync::positionSnapThreshold = 500

If a synced object's position is more than positionSnapThreshold units from the target position, it will jump to the target position immediately instead of lerping.

Set to zero to not use at all and use one less distance check per frame if you also have receivedPositionThreshold at 0.

Measured in distance units.

◆ primitiveComponent

UPrimitiveComponent* USmoothSync::primitiveComponent

Reference to the Primitive Component.

◆ realComponentToSync

USceneComponent* USmoothSync::realComponentToSync

Gets assigned to the real transform to sync. Use SetSceneComponentToSync() method to set it up. If this variable is not assigned, SmoothSync will sync the actor.

◆ realObjectToSync

AActor* USmoothSync::realObjectToSync

Gets assigned to the real object to sync.

◆ receivedPositionThreshold

float USmoothSync::receivedPositionThreshold = 0.0f

The position won't be set on non-owned objects unless it changed this much.

Set to 0 to always update the position of non-owned objects if it has changed, and to use one less distance check per frame if you also have positionSnapThreshold at 0. If greater than 0, a synced object's position is only updated if it is off from the target position by more than the threshold.

Usually keep this at 0 or really low, at higher numbers it's useful if you are extrapolating into the future and want to stop instantly and not have it backtrack to where it currently is on the owner.

Measured in distance units.

◆ receivedRotationThreshold

float USmoothSync::receivedRotationThreshold = 0.0f

The rotation won't be set on non-owned objects unless it changed this much.

Set to 0 to always update the rotation of non-owned objects if it has changed, and to use one less FQuat.AngularDistance() check per frame if you also have rotationSnapThreshold at 0. If greater than 0, a synced object's rotation is only updated if it is off from the target rotation by more than the threshold.

Usually keep this at 0 or really low, at higher numbers it's useful if you are extrapolating into the future and want to stop instantly and not have it backtrack to where it currently is on the owner.

Measured in degrees.

◆ rotationLerpSpeed

float USmoothSync::rotationLerpSpeed = .85f

How fast to lerp the rotation to the target State. 0 is never, 1 is instant..

Lower values mean smoother but maybe sluggish movement. Higher values mean more responsive but maybe jerky or stuttery movement.

◆ rotationMask

char USmoothSync::rotationMask = 2

Hardcoded information to determine rotation syncing.

◆ rotationSnapThreshold

float USmoothSync::rotationSnapThreshold = 100

If a synced object's rotation is more than rotationSnapThreshold from the target rotation, it will jump to the target rotation immediately instead of lerping.

Set to zero to not use at all and use one less FQuat.AnglularDistance() check per frame if you also have receivedRotationThreshold at 0.

Measured in degrees.

◆ samePositionCount

float USmoothSync::samePositionCount

Counts up for each FixedUpdate() that position is the same until the atRestThresholdCount.

◆ sameRotationCount

float USmoothSync::sameRotationCount

Counts up for each FixedUpdate() that rotation is the same until the atRestThresholdCount.

◆ scaleLerpSpeed

float USmoothSync::scaleLerpSpeed = .85f

How fast to lerp the scale to the target State. 0 is never, 1 is instant.

Lower values mean smoother but maybe sluggish movement. Higher values mean more responsive but maybe jerky or stuttery movement.

◆ scaleMask

char USmoothSync::scaleMask = 4

Hardcoded information to determine scale syncing.

◆ scaleSnapThreshold

float USmoothSync::scaleSnapThreshold = 3

If a synced object's scale is more than scaleSnapThreshold units from the target scale, it will jump to the target scale immediately instead of lerping.

Set to zero to not use at all and use one less distance check per frame.

Measured in distance units.

◆ sendAngularVelocity

bool USmoothSync::sendAngularVelocity = true

Variable we set at the beginning of Update so we only need to do the checks once a frame.

◆ sendAngularVelocityThreshold

float USmoothSync::sendAngularVelocityThreshold = 0.0f

The angular velocity won't send unless one of its Vector values changed this much.

Set to 0 to always send the angular velocity of owned objects if it has changed since the last sent angular velocity.

If greater than 0, a synced object's angular velocity is only sent if its angular velocity is off from the last sent angular velocity by more than the threshold.

Measured in radians per second.

◆ sendAtPositionalRestMessage

bool USmoothSync::sendAtPositionalRestMessage = false

Gets set to true when position is the same for two frames in order to tell non-owners to stop extrapolating position.

◆ sendAtRotationalRestMessage

bool USmoothSync::sendAtRotationalRestMessage = false

Gets set to true when rotation is the same for two frames in order to tell non-owners to stop extrapolating rotation.

◆ sendingTempState

SmoothState* USmoothSync::sendingTempState

SmoothState we fill up to better organize the data before sending it out.

◆ sendPosition

bool USmoothSync::sendPosition = true

Variable we set at the beginning of Update so we only need to do the checks once a frame.

◆ sendPositionThreshold

float USmoothSync::sendPositionThreshold = 0.0f

The position won't send unless one of its Vector values has changed this much.

Set to 0 to always send the position of owned objects if it has changed since the last sent position.

If greater than 0, a synced object's position is only sent if its vector position value is off from the last sent position by more than the threshold.

Measured in distance units.

◆ sendRate

float USmoothSync::sendRate = 30

How many times per second to send network updates.

Keep in mind this can be limited by Unreal's Net Update Frequency.

◆ sendRotation

bool USmoothSync::sendRotation = true

Variable we set at the beginning of Update so we only need to do the checks once a frame.

◆ sendRotationThreshold

float USmoothSync::sendRotationThreshold = 0.0f

The rotation won't send unless one of its Vector values has changed this much.

Set to 0 to always send the rotation of owned objects if it has changed since the last sent rotation.

If greater than 0, a synced object's rotation is only sent if its euler value is off from the last sent rotation by more than the threshold.

Measured in degrees.

◆ sendScale

bool USmoothSync::sendScale = true

Variable we set at the beginning of Update so we only need to do the checks once a frame.

◆ sendScaleThreshold

float USmoothSync::sendScaleThreshold = 0.0f

The scale won't send unless one of its Vector values it changed this much.

Set to 0 to always send the scale of owned objects if it has changed since the last sent scale.

If greater than 0, a synced object's scale is only sent if its scale is off from the last sent scale by more than the threshold.

Measured in distance units.

◆ sendVelocity

bool USmoothSync::sendVelocity = true

Variable we set at the beginning of Update so we only need to do the checks once a frame.

◆ sendVelocityThreshold

float USmoothSync::sendVelocityThreshold = 0.0f

The velocity won't send unless one of its Vector values changed this much.

Set to 0 to always send the velocity of owned objects if it has changed since the last sent velocity.

If greater than 0, a synced object's velocity is only sent if its velocity is off from the last sent velocity by more than the threshold.

Measured in velocity units.

◆ snapTimeThreshold

float USmoothSync::snapTimeThreshold = 5.0f

The estimated owner time of non-owned objects will change instantly if it is off by this amount.

The estimated owner time will change instantly if the difference is larger than this amount (in seconds) when receiving an update. Generally keep at default unless you have a very low send rate and expect large variance in your latencies.

◆ stateBuffer

SmoothState** USmoothSync::stateBuffer

Non-owners keep a list of recent States received over the network for interpolating.

Index 0 is the newest received State.

◆ stateCount

int USmoothSync::stateCount = 0

The number of States in the stateBuffer

◆ syncAngularVelocity

SyncMode USmoothSync::syncAngularVelocity = SyncMode::XYZ

Angular velocity sync mode

Fine tune how angular velocity is synced.

◆ syncPosition

SyncMode USmoothSync::syncPosition = SyncMode::XYZ

Position sync mode

Fine tune how position is synced. For objects that don't move, use SyncMode.NONE

◆ syncRotation

SyncMode USmoothSync::syncRotation = SyncMode::XYZ

Rotation sync mode

Fine tune how rotation is synced. For objects that don't rotate, use SyncMode.NONE

◆ syncScale

SyncMode USmoothSync::syncScale = SyncMode::XYZ

Scale sync mode

Fine tune how scale is synced. For objects that don't scale, use SyncMode.NONE

◆ syncVelocity

SyncMode USmoothSync::syncVelocity = SyncMode::XYZ

Velocity sync mode

Fine tune how velocity is synced.

◆ targetTempState

SmoothState* USmoothSync::targetTempState

Gets filled each frame with a SmoothState to move towards

◆ teleportMask

char USmoothSync::teleportMask = 32

Hardcoded information to determine if teleporting.

◆ timeCorrectionSpeed

float USmoothSync::timeCorrectionSpeed = .1f

How fast to change the estimated owner time of non-owned objects. 0 is never, 5 is basically instant.

The estimated owner time will shift by at most this amount per second. Lower values will be smoother but it may take a bit to adjust to larger jumps in latency. Probably keep this lower than ~.6 unless you are having serious latency variance issues.

◆ useExtrapolationDistanceLimit

bool USmoothSync::useExtrapolationDistanceLimit

Whether or not to have an extrapolation distance limit.

◆ useExtrapolationTimeLimit

bool USmoothSync::useExtrapolationTimeLimit = true

Whether or not to have an extrapolation time limit.

◆ velocityMask

char USmoothSync::velocityMask = 8

Hardcoded information to determine velocity syncing.