Match Up
Provides simple drop-in matchmaking support for any networking system.
Transaction Class Reference

Transactions represent a request and response pair identified by a unique string ID More...

Public Member Functions

void Complete (string response)
void Failed (string response)
void Timeout ()
 Transaction (string transactionID, Message request, Action< bool, Transaction > onResponse)

Static Public Member Functions

static string GenerateID ()

Public Attributes

bool isComplete
Action< bool, TransactiononResponse
Message request
string response
Coroutine timeoutProcess
string transactionID

Detailed Description

Transactions represent a request and response pair identified by a unique string ID

Each request that is sent generates a Transaction with a unique transaction ID. When the matchmaking server response to a request it will include the ID in the response. When the response is received the transaction ID is used to look up the transaction so that it can be completed and the onResponse handler can be called.